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Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D)
  • Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D)
  • Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D)
Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D)
Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D) Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz) (16697D)

Elder Stewart #1 DVD (Mormon Boyz)

74,95 CAD$
69,95 CAD$ Risparmia 5,00 CAD$
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Cute young Elder Stewart is everything a Mormon boy should be: he's sweet, he’s happy, he’s handsome, he’s submissive, and he’s innocent. At least that’s how it appears. Secretly, this boy has already discovered his insatiable desire for cock, having sex with his companion whenever he can. The Brethren see how lucky they are to have such a young, pure boy in their ranks, but know that he needs to be trained and tried to become a useful member of the Order. They see his curious spirit and his docility around his superiors and see great things in store for him. With his baby face and man-sized cock, he couldn’t be more tempting for the older men of the priesthood… and for his fellow missionaries as well.

Durata: 152 min.
Attori: Brother Clark, Elder Angel Morales, Elder Berry, Elder Stewart, Gold Masked Man, Patriarch Smith, President Olsen

Un informazione su Barebacking e ingoiare-sperma: Questi film contengono scene di sesso senza uso del preservativo e scene dove viene ingoiato lo sperma. Questo sesso non protetto puo' trasmettere l´HIV e altre malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. Prima di girare un film , gli attori vengono sottoposti ad un test del sangue. Altri film vengono girati solo con attori sieropositivi o sono stati girati prima della scoperta dell' effetto protettivo dei preservativi. Fate sempre sesso protetto! E non interpretate questi film come incitamento a fare sesso non protetto!!!.

Studio: Mormon Boyz
Categorie: DVD & Media, DVDs, Bareback, Daddies, DVD in copia singola, Twinks (18-22), Uomini giovani, DVD di nuovo in magazzino
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Mormon Boyz
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