Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D)
  • Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D)
  • Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D)
Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D)
Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D) Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless) (21293D)

Young And Restless Box #22 2-DVD-Set (Young And Restless)

37,95 £
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Sometimes you just have to look at a cover to know exactly that you’re gonna love what’s in store, and this double-disc offering from Young & Restless fits that description completely. No question about it, you’re gonna be knocking out load after load of pent-up goo once you put this into your reader; with a bevy of hot boys on tap who quite literally can’t ever get enough hard dick to satisfy them. Lads like Dick Casey, Jace Reed and Boris Orla, who fuck raw like it’s going out of fashion. The result is a top-notch spunk-fest that you’re not gonna be forgetting in a hurry, as one hairless butt after another gets stretched to perfection. Resulting in a whitewash of jizz that covers their cute expectant faces time after time!

Durata: 3h 29min
Attori: Alexander Dorch, Boris Orla, David Bruckner, David Gold, De La Torre, Dick Casey, Dimitri Borodin, Jace Reed, Jack Rider, Jayden Middleton, Jaye Elektra, Leo Ocean, Martin Love, Marty Gray, Max Candy, Michael Maion, Patrick, Richie Hajek, Roman Smid, Rudy Valentino, Taylor, Thor, Tom Crua, Yuri Adamov

Un informazione su Barebacking e ingoiare-sperma: Questi film contengono scene di sesso senza uso del preservativo e scene dove viene ingoiato lo sperma. Questo sesso non protetto puo' trasmettere l´HIV e altre malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. Prima di girare un film , gli attori vengono sottoposti ad un test del sangue. Altri film vengono girati solo con attori sieropositivi o sono stati girati prima della scoperta dell' effetto protettivo dei preservativi. Fate sempre sesso protetto! E non interpretate questi film come incitamento a fare sesso non protetto!!!.

Studio: Young And Restless
Categorie: DVD & Media, DVDs, Bareback, Compilazioni, Twinks (18-22), Uomini giovani, Pacchetti multi-DVD, DVD di nuovo in magazzino
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